In "UNFOLD," Christie Toussaint presents a compelling mixed media collection, exploring themes of evolution, feminine power, transformation, and mysticism. Through an innovative fusion of sculpted fabric, resin, inks, acrylic, and oil paints, each piece in this exhibition challenges conventional boundaries and invites viewers to experience art in a multifaceted way.
This collection exemplifies the concept of expanding and occupying space, encouraging individuals to push the boundaries of what is deemed the norm. Each work in this series is a testament to the artist's journey of self-discovery and creative exploration, embracing both traditional and experimental techniques.
Drawing inspiration from the beauty and mysteries of nature, as well as the complexities of human experiences,Toussaint crafts narratives that resonate psychologically and emotionally. "UNFOLD" aims to inspire new ideas, and challenge conventional ways of thinking. It encourages viewers to connect with the artwork beyond its aesthetic appeal and to engage personally with each piece. In a time where contemporary art frequently explores more obscure themes, this collection embraces a nontraditional approach to abstraction and invites you to discover your own meaning within it.